IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Q.931 Signalling Layer 3 for ISDN (Q931)

This chapter describes Q.931 Signalling Layer 3 for ISDN (Q931) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: Q931.001 SETUP recvd CRV (0x crv) from ( cgn) to ( cdn) Channel (B chan) bw bw kbps on isdn/ intf nt net

Long Syntax: Q931.001 Set up msg received from the switch with Call reference value (0x crv) from originator cgn to destination cdn on Channel number chan speed bw kbps on isdn intf network net

Description: Setup message received, getting ready for a data connection

Action: None


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: Q931.002 SETUP sent CRV (0x crv) from ( cgn) to ( cdn) Channel (B chan) bw bw kpbs on isdn/ intf nt net

Long Syntax: Q931.002 Set up msg sent to the switch with Call reference value (0x crv) from originator cgn to destination cdn on Channel number chan bw bw on isdn intf network net

Description: Setup message sent, getting ready for a data connection

Action: None


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: Q931.003 ALERT sent CRV (0x crv) on isdn/ intf nt net

Long Syntax: Q931.003 Alert msg sent to the switch with Call reference value (0x crv) on ISDN/ intf network net

Description: Alert message sent, check config to see if we can accept the call

Action: None


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: Q931.004 CONNECT sent CRV (0x crv) on isdn/ intf nt net

Long Syntax: Q931.004 Connect msg sent to the switch with Call reference value (0x crv) on isdn/ intf network net

Description: Connect message sent, start B-Channel Communication

Action: None


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: Q931.008 State change CRV (0x crv) connid connid from oldstate to newstate on isdn/ intf nt net

Long Syntax: Q931.008 Q931 state changed for Call reference value (0x crv), connid connid from oldstate to newstate on isdn/ intf network net

Description: State changed for a channel

Action: None


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: Q931.009 RESTART rcv CRV (0x crv) Ind[0]=0x ind channel= chan on isdn/ intf nt net

Long Syntax: Q931.009 Restart msg rcv from the switch with Call reference value (0x crv) ind ind Chan chan on isdn intf network net

Description: Restart message rcvd, terminate B-Channel communication

Action: None


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: Q931.018 Incoming SETUP rejected DN0 mismatch CDN ( cgn) isdn/ intf nt net

Long Syntax: Q931.018 Set up msg received from the switch did not have the right CDN (0x cgn) on isdn intf network net

Description: Setup message received, and incompatible DN0

Action: None


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: Q931.019 SETUP recvd CRV (0x crv) from ( cgn)and rejected - incompatible BC ( bc1 bc2 bc3 bc4) on nt isdn/ intf nt net

Long Syntax: Q931.019 Set up msg received from the switch with Call reference value (0x crv) from cgn with incompatible bearer capability bc1 bc2 bc3 bc4 on isdn/ intf network net

Description: Setup message received, and rejected due to incompatible bearer caps.

Action: None


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: Q931.020 Clear Channel B crv send msg (0x cgn) crv (0x bc) cause (0x intf) on isdn/ nt

Long Syntax: Q931.020 Send a DISC/REL/REL COMP crv to call on chan cgn up msg to the switch with Call reference value (0x bc) cause intf on isdn/ network

Description: Setup message received, and rejected due to incompatible bearer caps.

Action: None

Panic q931ym 

Short Syntax: YDC ISDN: mem alloc fld

Description: The YDC ISDN network handler failed to allocate sufficient memory during the initialization phase.

Action: Contact customer service.

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